Tuesday 8 May 2007

When boy meets girl?

recently watched a film "when boy meets girl" and before you begin to wonder it is NOT a romance film by any means!

the story revolves around a man who cheats on his wife with a women he meets at a bar only to be drugged and waking up in a cellar tied to a chair!

he then gets abused both mentally and physically by his kidnapper and her apprentice with a variety of instruments including DOG EXCREMENT, RATHER LARGE DILDO, RAZOR BLADES and the list goes on and it not at all pleasent! oh yeah they make him eat his own number 2 btw

they torture this man for days in order to teach him a lesson for cheating on his wife (a very harsh lesson) and eventually he dies!

now i dont want to spoil it so i wont say anymore on the film other than watch it it is very good!

and at the end i had to agree with the torturers in what they were doing to him although some things were extreme but yes anyone who commits infedelity should be punished accordingly it is only fair!

Thursday 19 April 2007

Religious Fanatics!

its not that religious fanatics are bad (although maybe they are dependiing on your view)

the reason i have posted this is because my views would be seen as bad!!

ok here goes.......

in the case of the KKK ....again a bunch of inbred hicks who blame others for their own shotfalls!

father john walker "the promised land lies just beyond my brothers all we need is to keep a steady belief and hang any infidels who lie in our way even those for free speech for blacks, n*****rs, and those who society calls homosexuals they will all burn in hell"

this sickens and disgusts me! its people like these who give other true christians (and those of other faiths) bad names as all it does is test already tried tentions within communities, and yet they are still allowed to practice their teachings!

although this is allowed because certain laws within the U.S wouldnt it be better for everyone if they were silenced and publically humilliated to help with repairing the gaps within the religions and how they percieve each other and react to each other when something is said or quoted............ not to mention that it is just wrong!

personally i dont think that they or any other religous fanatic who uses their respective religion to hide behind and spread hate messges should be alloweded to and be silenced by any means necessary this for me personally should include public executions

Saturday 14 April 2007

god hates america!!!

i recently watched a documentary about a family in america (no surprise there!) who spread the 'true' word of god

they say he hates 'fags' and that because america accepts them as does the majority of the world we will all burn in hell .

they picket the funerals of dead american soldiers beacause they died for a 'fag' cause shouting wth huge banners that the dead soldiers are scum and 'fags'

they rejoice in the fact that people die of cancer and get hit by trucks as it is gods will and he is destroying those who are supporeters of 'fags'

you see the underliying message in their campaign???

here is a link to their page: http://www.godhatesamerica.com/

have a look and read there gospels and such

now for my views on it ........ (and i would like to point out i have emailed them and told them the same)

firstly only in f****ng america the land of the free would you get something like this allowed they are nothing more than a small group of inbred hicks who have nothing better to do with their time.

they disgust me and i am not surprised that they are from USA (sorry for anyone who is a yank)
but its true only you lot allow this s*** why? why are they alloeed this freedom im all one for democracy but come on this sort of freedom is corrupting and hurtful to people who are firstly homosexual, who have lost someone in the recent wars in the middle east, or who is genuinly patriotic!

i personnally believe people like this should be rounded up and firstly castrated (so if any escape they cant breed) then tortued slowly preferbly by a homosexual soldier and voilate them, then rip out their tongues so they cannot spread the message any more then branded in a way that when they are released back in society people will know who they are and what they have said!!

this didnt go down too well wen i emailed them but hehe as i replied freedom of speech u feckin inbreds!!!

Thursday 22 March 2007


why do we look wrongly at social inepts???

the bandits especially in the uk have been ssome of the most loved and respected in our history
for example robin hood a bandit and outlaw yes but a saviour of the crown and hero to the people.

the scarlett pimpernel is another he saved aristocracy (the same people ho wud claim him to be an outlaw) in the french revolution and there were many people like thisduring that period.

true bandits would be those during fuedaljapan as they were honourless ronin who hunted, raped and killed villagers who had done nothing to them they are bandits in the true sence of the word and are completely different to he likes of robin hood and others who commited banditry but not for their own gains and there should be a no comparison with the two.

Thursday 15 March 2007


firstly this was the cleanest image i could use on bondage for those who are unsure of what it is (lets say some of the more colourful images would have had me thrown out of uni of or crucified)
but what is the problem with bondage and bdsm???
im sure many people who have sexual relationships have (or wanted to) dress up or roleplay these are types of bdsm.
maybe not everyone likes or understands the being tied down and abused but there is always a dominent and a submissive in a relationshipand it just varies on the degree in which they interact with each other.
like the maturbation there is a taboo when it comes to expressing our sexual desires (i am not condoning anything to do with animals or children just 2 consenting adults)
there was a law passed recently which saw anyone abusing i.e whipping etc would be prosecuted for GBH and the person who allowed them would be prosecuted for aiding and abeting! this i find is complete;y unfair as it is up t ous a human beings to have the right to express out sexual desires regardless of other peoples views.
ps dont knock till you have tried it!

Saturday 10 March 2007


gambling is another subject/ activity that can be and frequently does get seen as BAD! why?

is ti not the right of the individual to choose how they use their money?? they know the risks and the possible benefits and so they have a choice!

it isnt a path to evil or corruption both of these are applicable when then gambling gets out of hand and life savings or house equity are comprimised but again this is the choice of the individual who gambles!!

the only real bad point i can think of which is BAD is the connections to organised crime and such as yes these are wrong things to do!

why shpuld we not indulge when it can bring some happiness in the case of the national lottery which millions of us use every week and nothing badf is said about it, where as the new super casino is being slated as a possible hub for organised crime and in some extreme cases evil...

what is the difference here is it because we wont be doing it in the safety of our own homes and this is why it is bad??.................................... i say hypocritical

Thursday 8 March 2007


the lecture on masturbation was something i agreed with.

there is a problem with the worlds view on this subject and its is very taboo!

but why?? why dont we accept something that all (or nearly all) of us do on a regular basis. and it does seem a very western orientated 'ban' this could be due to our wesern upbringing and the use of many ruled from the church that are taught to our children at a young age.

also we dont talk openly about on TV or Radio or any part of the media. or even in our day to day life, thats not me saying that we should talk about it all the time but we should not discourage it informing our children on something that they will eventually do and feel bad about it.

lets be more open and honest with our selves and not sypress what is always going to be a human action.

Thursday 15 February 2007

ideas for trips????

lets not use this for an excuse to go for a drink or anything like that instead lests braoden our horizons (and not in a chemical/ illegal way) lets try out dingy little sex shops and such as there seems to be a closed perception on pornography and a nationwide embarrasment!!

we have all (or alot of us or you are all lying) watched porn at some point so why is we are so scared of it or a conversastion about it ?????

SMOKING is it bad ?????

and the answer is .... NOOOOOO!!!

its just another bloody excuse for you liberal lefty "people" to moan about something else in the world because you lot have nothing to do in your spare time.

all we ever here is anti smoking this and anti smoking that well........

what about an advert promoting ciggerettes for the youth of today 'cause surly they wont want to do it then because it wouldnt be rebellious!!!