Thursday 19 April 2007

Religious Fanatics!

its not that religious fanatics are bad (although maybe they are dependiing on your view)

the reason i have posted this is because my views would be seen as bad!!

ok here goes.......

in the case of the KKK ....again a bunch of inbred hicks who blame others for their own shotfalls!

father john walker "the promised land lies just beyond my brothers all we need is to keep a steady belief and hang any infidels who lie in our way even those for free speech for blacks, n*****rs, and those who society calls homosexuals they will all burn in hell"

this sickens and disgusts me! its people like these who give other true christians (and those of other faiths) bad names as all it does is test already tried tentions within communities, and yet they are still allowed to practice their teachings!

although this is allowed because certain laws within the U.S wouldnt it be better for everyone if they were silenced and publically humilliated to help with repairing the gaps within the religions and how they percieve each other and react to each other when something is said or quoted............ not to mention that it is just wrong!

personally i dont think that they or any other religous fanatic who uses their respective religion to hide behind and spread hate messges should be alloweded to and be silenced by any means necessary this for me personally should include public executions

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