Thursday 15 March 2007


firstly this was the cleanest image i could use on bondage for those who are unsure of what it is (lets say some of the more colourful images would have had me thrown out of uni of or crucified)
but what is the problem with bondage and bdsm???
im sure many people who have sexual relationships have (or wanted to) dress up or roleplay these are types of bdsm.
maybe not everyone likes or understands the being tied down and abused but there is always a dominent and a submissive in a relationshipand it just varies on the degree in which they interact with each other.
like the maturbation there is a taboo when it comes to expressing our sexual desires (i am not condoning anything to do with animals or children just 2 consenting adults)
there was a law passed recently which saw anyone abusing i.e whipping etc would be prosecuted for GBH and the person who allowed them would be prosecuted for aiding and abeting! this i find is complete;y unfair as it is up t ous a human beings to have the right to express out sexual desires regardless of other peoples views.
ps dont knock till you have tried it!

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