Thursday 15 February 2007

ideas for trips????

lets not use this for an excuse to go for a drink or anything like that instead lests braoden our horizons (and not in a chemical/ illegal way) lets try out dingy little sex shops and such as there seems to be a closed perception on pornography and a nationwide embarrasment!!

we have all (or alot of us or you are all lying) watched porn at some point so why is we are so scared of it or a conversastion about it ?????


Jedi gray said...

Here here. May i suggest a trip to Mos Eisley Space port. Its located on a simple backwater planet located near naboo on the outer rim. The name of this world is tatooine, a desert planet, bereft of life, laws and morals.

Eddies said...

I agree with the Jedi. He is indeed wise and Grey. Your training can begin in earnest out there. It was in that very system that I found that once you conquor your conscience everything else is easy. I then slew a small village and didn't feel guilty at all. Not one bit.

Dave Gorman FTW!